Work table.
As I move forward on this life journey I have learned to eliminate activities I don’t like and progress toward spending time loving what I do. It’s a good lesson to practice in a career, relationships and daily activities. And sometimes I’ve found it’s easier to figure out what it is you don’t like which helps lead you to what you do.
Glaze Kiln opening.
Here’s one of the ways I know I am still loving working in clay. Each time I open the lid of the kiln and see the results of my efforts, I get excited and a sense of satisfaction. Of course there are the occasional disappointments and broken disasters – but when I lift the lid and the 'kiln gods' have cooperated – it’s such a great feeling.
For some funny reason, I get this same sensation when I unpack my work to set up for a show. Even though I am the one that has carefully wrapped, packed and lugged it around to an event – when I unfold the paper protecting my work, I still get a jolt of happiness and it’s almost as if I am seeing the work for the first time.
Bird House in the Garden.
See what makes you happy today, and try to get more of that in your life on a regular basis!