Try, try again. Clay is the perfect medium for this wisdom. Trial and lots of error are common occurrences in this art form. There are several stages before a piece is finished where things can go wrong. Warping, cracks and breakage are just a few of the obstacles potters face when working in clay. The good news is we learn from these errors and forge ahead with creating – adapting techniques to avoid potential pitfalls and experience pure joy when a piece emerges from a final glaze firing – intact – and better than we even imagined. That feeling spurs us on to create even more.
These lessons in the studio easily translate to our daily living. Overcoming mistakes, disappointments and unforeseen obstacles in our lives help us grow stronger as individuals. Learning to embrace these foils and move forward is hard. But I think it’s a given – we will all face some sort of failure or roadblock in our lives and trying again is a way toward those rewarding successes in our lives that keep us going back for more.
I've broadcast several times on Periscope. It's one more way to connect with an audience of peers and potential customers. Each Periscope experience has taught me how to improve my skills for the next time. It's been fun, rewarding and has become another tool to help grow my business. You can watch my broadcasts by downloading the Periscope App to your mobile or tablet device through ITunes.
I’m learning that the business of clay mirrors these lessons as well. Trying new methods of marketing is filled with all kinds of failures that ultimately help guide the path to success. It’s a learning curve. But you’ve got to try and try again in order to succeed.
In past blog posts, I have posted a few different opportunities to gather feedback from you. What I've recently learned is that they haven't really worked well based on the way the blog is distributed. I think I've fixed the problem and would like to give it another try. Please click on the photo questions below to answer one or more of these questions. This information is invaluable to me and will help me make more of what you'd like.