I listened to the comedian George Carlin while I worked in the studio this past week. My laughter triggered a summertime flashback to the ease of the season in my youth. It was a time when bare feet, playing with friends at the pool all day, nighttime hide and seek games and laughter — lots and lots of laughter was the norm. There was no set schedule and it seemed like my friends and I were in control of our day-to-day adventures (even though our parents bore the responsibility of managing each unplanned whim).
Then and now. Lots of laughter has been shared with these long-term friends! Back then, we listened to a record album of the Smothers Brothers over and over which repeatedly made us giggle!
As much as I crave routine and a daily schedule, the summertime freedom I remember when I was younger is appealing. Each day was filled with the possibility of creating a different adventure and friends were responsible for entertaining each other. We loved to make each other laugh and we were good at it. Silliness abounded.
Maybe this is why I'm drawn to whimsy in my clay art. As an adult, it’s too easy to be endlessly serious. Responsibility has a way of tamping down laughter and funny behavior. But it sure does feel good to laugh and smile. Note to self: try to laugh each day! How about you? What makes you laugh?