Why buy? This question probably has a very simple answer and one that delves deeper. I ask it because it’s on my mind. I saw a post in a pottery group recently that asked why a potter would purchase anything from another potter. I buy pottery from other artists all the time. So I started thinking about why I buy stuff. In turn, it makes me think about why someone would pay for items I create.
I made this series of masks using a quilting technique I learned when we lived in Charlotte, NC. I had fun designing the 'hair' of each one using the bristles from a scrub brush, twigs from the yard, buttons, copper tubing, coiled-wire and beads. I have kept them for my own art collection. I try not to make something just because I think it will sell, I make what I love -- that's usually when sales follow.
Emotion quickly comes to mind as a reason behind a purchase. When I buy something I want, it makes me feel good. This often includes pottery made by others. I use my own pieces all the time, but I appreciate and covet clay objects created by other artists. I like to support fellow crafters and I cannot make pottery the way they do.
I've just created a wrap bracelet incorporating a decorated piece of my clay and recycled bits of old jewelry. Here's the prototype I've made. You'll be able to create one of these too in an upcoming class through The Muse in Frederick, Md. If you can't make it, would you like me to make one for you? Click on this photo to let me know!
Need is another reason to buy. Whether it’s perceived or actually fulfills a necessary function can be debatable. Do I need another pair of earrings? No. Will it complement an outfit I have in mind? Yes. Purchase made.
Ease of sale. Computer clicks make it incredibly easy to buy these days. It is fast, but you must rely on a written description and a photo. I’ve shopped this way numerous times, but I think I still prefer a brick and mortar experience in person.
It's hard to believe the same blue glaze can look so different depending on the color that lies beneath! Here are some new mugs fresh from the kiln.
Price. I’ve fallen victim to buying something because I couldn’t pass up the low price. I may not need it or even want it. But feeling as if I’ve gotten ‘such a deal’ has overridden all the other reasons to purchase.
I’m sure there are numerous studies on the psychology of sales. I’ve even succumbed to some on-line courses on improving my skills in social media and website construction. I'd like to hear your opinions on this subject too. Tell me how I can improve the buying experience for you. Photos of my pieces in use? Pricing? Ease of sale? I look forward to hearing from you! Click this photo to let me know.