Most of last week has been spent firing the last kiln-fulls of pottery and packing boxes in preparation for my trip to Panoply in Huntsville, Alabama. I’ve rented a trailer to transport lots (and lots) of pottery there. I’m looking forward to the festivities, reconnecting with the friends and making new ones! You can follow this journey with me on my Instagram account. I’ll post pictures throughout the week. I’m ready for this adventure to begin!
Yesterday’s celebration of Earth Day is an annual reminder to cherish and care for our environment. Ending plastic pollution is one of the goals of this year’s campaign. (Like switch out pottery for plastic -- hint, hint!) I’m going to try to reduce my own plastic footprint. Will you join me? Click on the photo above to learn more!
When you choose plastic, try to reuse it again and again! These bins have carried pottery to shows, supplies to my kid's colleges, and stored valuables in the basement.
Do you remember when wearing your seatbelt in the car was not a law? Now, this safety feature is so habitual that I can’t imagine driving without being buckled in. Hopefully, eco-friendly habits will continue to make way into our daily routines so each of us can make Earth Day into every day.
Okay Huntsville, ready or not, here I come!